
Ableton Live 6.0.9 Windows¡BMac OS Xª©(±M·~­µ§Ç¾¹)

³nÅé¦WºÙ:Ableton Live 6.0.9 Windows¡BMac OS Xª©(±M·~­µ§Ç¾¹)
¨t²Î¤ä´©:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003


             Ableton Live 6.0.9 ±M·~­µ§Ç¾¹Windows¡BMac OS Xª©


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[³q¹L¦w¸Ë´ú¸Õ]WindowsXP SP2

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* ®ÄªG:¤j¶q³Ð·s©ÊªºAbleton­µÀW©MMIDI®ÄªG;·sªºAbleton¼Ö¾¹(Simpler-°ò©ó¼Ë¥»ªº¦X¦¨,Impulse-°ÊºA¥´À»¼Ö¾¹Án­µ³]­p),VST©MAudio

Of the dozens of music-production software titles currently available, Ableton Live is unique. With its roots in live

 performance, it presents the user with a fluid, flexible interface that often makes it feel more musical instrument 
 than recording studio. Still, version 5 excelled at both performance and recording, with comprehensive MIDI/audio 
 editing and mixing built around its live performance toolset. Version 6 continues in this vein, with a range of new 
 features on top of an otherwise untouched user interface.

According to Ableton, the most requested feature was video support. Live 6 obliges with the ability to import QuickTime

 videos and, in characteristic fashion, it includes an unusual twist. Warp Markers can be added to QuickTime files in
  the same way as they¡¦re applied to audio recordings, but are used so that the tempo of the music follows cue points 
  in the video. This makes it easy to line up audio events with video cues. The video¡¦s soundtrack is processed just 
  like any other audio channel, and it¡¦s possible to trim and even combine video files on a timeline. However, it¡¦s 
  disappointing that videos can¡¦t be chopped and rearranged on the fly in Session view or piped to a FireWire port as
   a DV stream.

Instrument and Effect Racks increase Live¡¦s signal-routing flexibility. As with Device Groups used in version 5, a Rack

 can consist of a string of instrument or effect plug-ins for easy saving and recalling. However, Racks can also comprise
  plug-ins routed in parallel.

Macintosh System Requirements¡G

* Any G3 or faster (G5 or Intel Mac recommended)

* 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)

* Mac OS X 10.2.8 (10.4 or later recommended)

Windows System Requirements¡G

* 1.5 GHz CPU or faster

* 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)

* QuickTime 6.4 or higher

* Windows 2000/XP

* Windows-compatible sound card (ASIO driver support recommended)

