
Lynda com Access 2010 Tutorials Power Shortcuts 巧學Access 2010 系列視頻教學 英文正式版

軟體名稱:Lynda com Access 2010 Tutorials Power Shortcuts 巧學Access 2010 系列視頻教學 英文正式版
系統支援:For Windows XP/Vista/7
軟體類型:巧學Access 2010 系列視頻教學

教學名稱:Access 2010 Power Shortcuts

主講人:Alicia Katz Pollock


該教學為Lynda.com最新出品的“巧學Access 2010 系列視頻教學。教學中,資料庫專
家Alicia Katz Pollock 提供了幾百種技巧、捷徑來極大地提高Access 2010的效率並
Access 2010的作用。如利用功能區、快速訪問工具欄、檔管理、自定義、快速資料登

      Using the exercise files                               
     1. Top Tips                                               
        Customizing the Navigation pane                        
        Toggling between Design and Data views                 
        Creating new fields with field templates               
        Understanding the "Cannot contain a Null value" error  
        Working with AutoNumbers as foreign keys               
        Using input masks                                      
        Four ways to add fields to a query                     
        Four ways to filter data                               
        Selecting multiple form and report controls            
        Aligning and distributing controls on forms and reports
     2. File Management                                        
        Opening recent files                                   
        Opening your most recently used file automatically     
        Selecting a startup form                               
        Changing the default saving location                   
     3. Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar Tips                   
        Expanding and collapsing the Ribbon                    
        Three ways to customize the Quick Access toolbar       
        Selecting Ribbon buttons using KeyTips                 
        Creating your own ribbons                              
     4. Interface Shortcuts                                    
        Turning the Navigation pane into a switchboard         
        Using keyboard shortcuts                               
     5. Navigation Shortcuts                                   
        Navigating between records                             
        Using Search, Go to, and Find                          
        Selecting fields, rows, columns, and tables            
     6. Data Entry and Editing Shortcuts                       
        Undo and Redo tips                                     
        Entering data across, not down                         
        Repeating data from the record above                   
        Copying and pasting content                            
        Inserting today's date                                 
        Removing automatic hyperlinks                          
        Using AutoCorrect                                      
        Using concatenated fields                              
        Linking Outlook contacts                               
        Saving imports and exports for reuse                   
     7. Table Techniques                                       
        Creating a table using application parts               
        Creating Quick Start fields                            
        Saving application parts                               
        Understanding number field sizes                       
        Setting default field types                            
        Using validation rules                                 
        Using flag fields                                      
        Using an index                                         
        Using a datasheet Totals row                           
        Filtering by selection                                 
        Resizing columns and rows                              
        Removing gridlines and shading from tables             
        Hiding and unhiding table fields                       
        Freezing fields when scrolling                         
        Analyzing your table for redundant structure           
     8. Relationship Techniques                                
        Setting a starting AutoNumber                          
        Creating a multi-field primary key                     
        Using subdatasheets                                    
        Using relationship reports                             
     9. Query Techniques                                       
        Using wildcards                                        
        Using IN instead of OR                                 
        Hiding query fields                                    
        Changing captions                                      
        Finding duplicate records                              
        Moving records with append and delete queries          
        Using make-table queries                               
        Creating an update query                               
        Turning a query into a PivotTable                      
        Turning a query into a PivotChart                      
        Using SQL statements                                   
     10. Form Techniques                                       
        Using the property sheet to work with controls         
        Creating option groups                                 
        Using a ComboBox to select a record                    
        Creating tabbed form layouts                           
        Inserting charts                                       
        Creating your own smart tags                           
        Using the CanGrow and CanShrink properties             
        Hiding fields in printouts                             
        Setting tab stops                                      
        Clipping, stretching, and zooming images               
        Viewing single or continuous forms                     
        Changing a form's default view                         
     11. Report Techniques                                     
        Inserting page breaks in reports and forms             
        Creating headers and footers                           
        Hiding duplicates in reports                           
     12. Formatting Shortcuts                                  
        Using themes to customize the look of the database     
        Using the Format Painter                               
        Grouping controls on forms and reports                 
        Setting default appearance for new databases           
     13. Macro and Event Techniques                            
        Using a Before Change macro to create a time stamp     
        Triggering a Before Delete warning message             
        Creating an After Update macro to email a customer     
        Creating a user interface macro                        
        Using AutoExec macros                                  
     14. Database Management Techniques                        
        Saving templates                                       
        Locking files                                          
