
Windows Server 2008使用教程 英文正式版Winstructor Microsoft Windows Server 2008-iNKiSO

軟體名稱:Windows Server 2008使用教程 英文正式版Winstructor Microsoft Windows Server 2008-iNKiSO
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003



Windows Server 2008 安全防護教程 英文正式版Winstructor Microsoft Windows Server 2008-iNKiSO


Winstructor 出品的Windows Server 2008伺服器安全防護教程。

Windows Server 2008 是最安全的 Windows 伺服器作業系統。通過這套系列視頻教程,
將幫助你充分利用這些新功能,並告訴你如何鎖定你的新的 Windows 2008 伺服器。

In these videos you'll discover:

- Creating a Security Baseline Configuration
- Structure OU's for Better Management
- Reduce the Attack Surface of your Server
- Security Configuration Wizard
- Applying Policies
- Secure Domain Controllers
- Control Service Administrators
- Locate Unused Accounts
- Configure Secure Dynamic Updates
- Disable Recursion
- Secure Zone Transfers
- Global Query Block List
- Reservations and Exclusions
- Configure DHCP Enforcement Policies
- Remove Unused IIS Components
- Server Bindings
- URL Authorization
- IIS Permissions
- IPv4 Address and Domain Restrictions
- Configure Point and Print
- SMB Signing
- Relocating the Print Spooler
- Removing the default Administrative Shares

...and more

Windows Server 2008 Security contains the following Training 
Videos:Security Baseline
Duration: 19:58
In this Video you'll learn all about creating a security baseline 
configuration that ensures that not only are your systems as secure as 
possible, but also management of your systems is easier.

Security Configuration Wizard
Duration: 22:27
In this Video you'll learn all how to use the Security Configuration Wizard 
to reduce the attack surface of your server by locking it down with a 
secure policy. You'll also learn how to manually apply this policy to a 
server and apply it to a group of servers using Group Policy.

Securing Windows 2008 Active Directory Domain Services
Duration: 16:23
Your Domain Controllers are one of the most important server roles in your 
forest so it stands to reason that they need to be secure. In this video 
you'll learn what you can do to secure your Active Directory Domain 

Securing Windows 2008 DNS Servers
Duration: 16:34
In this video you'll see how you can secure your DNS Servers using Active 
Directory Integrated Zones, Secure Dynamic Updates, Zone Transfers, Root 
Hints, Recursion the Global Query Block List - a new feature of Windows 
Server 2008 and more.

Securing Windows 2008 DHCP Servers
Duration: 29:33
In this video we'll see how we can secure our DHCP Servers. You'll learn 
about Reservations, Exclusions and DHCP groups and how to configure them 
using the DHCP Console and using Group Policy. You'll also discover the new 
DHCP Enforcement Policy and learn how to set up Network Access Protection 
so only clients that meet strict health requirements are able to obtain a 
full DHCP Address Lease

Securing Windows 2008 Web Servers
Duration: 18:20
In this video you'll learn how to remove unused IIS 7 components to reduce 
the attack surface of your web server. You'll also learn about implementing 
SSL, IPv4 Address and Domain Restrictions, URL Authorization, Bindings and 

Securing Windows 2008 File Servers
Duration: 11:24
In this video you'll learn how to digitally sign your File Server traffic 
by implmenting SMB Signing. You'll also learn about removing the default 
administrative shares as well as Encryption.

Securing Windows 2008 Print Servers
Duration: 12:29
In this video you'll learn about the new Point and Print feature of Windows 
2008 and Windows Vista as well as how to manage printer shares and 
permissions, implement SMB Signing and move the Spooler to another location.

 Windows Server 2008 is the most secure Windows Server Operating System
 available. In this series of videos, we'll help you take full advantage
 of these new features and show you how to lock down your new Windows
 2008 Servers!

