
SolidWorks 2025 SP1.2 非常專業的三維圖形設計軟體 多國語言破解版(DVD9兩片裝 此片售價400元)

軟體名稱:SolidWorks 2025 SP1.2 非常專業的三維圖形設計軟體 多國語言破解版(DVD9兩片裝 此片售價400元)
系統支援:Windows 10/11


001. If you want to install several versions of SolidWorks on one computer, you must comply with the following conditions:

1. You must install SolidWorks_Flexnet_Server from the crack of the highest version of the SolidWorks being installed

2. Each version of SolidWorks and its Toolbox Browser must be installed in a separate folders
   Suppose you want to install versions 2025, 2020 and 2010 - then,
for SW 2025 and SW 2025 Toolbox Browser you can select, for example, the folders D:\SolidWorks\v2025 and D:\olidWorks Data\v2025
for SW 2020 and SW 2020 Toolbox Browser you can select, for example, the folders D:\SolidWorks\v2020 and D:\olidWorks Data\v2020
for SW 2010 and SW 2010 Toolbox Browser you can select, for example, the folders D:\SolidWorks\v2010 and D:\olidWorks Data\v2010

ans so on..

002. Before installation, block the outgoing Internet access by means of Windows 
   Firewall or cord plug. Check .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.0 are installed. If
   .NET Framework 3.5 (including 2.0) is not installed, go to 
   "Control Panel" -> "Programs and Features" -> "Turn Windows features on or off" ->
   -> select ".NET Framework 3.5 (including 2.0)"

003. Uninstall (if exist) SolidWorks_Flexnet_Server from SSQ's releases of previous version of SolidWorks!
    To do it run as Administrator SolidWorks_Flexnet_Server\server_remove.bat 
    and wait until service "SolidWorks Flexnet Server" will be removed
    After that delete SolidWorks_Flexnet_Server folder from computer 

1. Run "sw2025_network_serials_licensing.reg" and confirm to add info 
   into Windows Registry

2. Copy folder "SolidWorks_Flexnet_Server" to C: , run as Administrator
   "SolidWorks_Flexnet_Server\server_install.bat" and wait until new service 
   "SolidWorks Flexnet Server" will be install and started

3. Run SolidWorks 2025 setup
   If select to "Install server components" > SOLIDWORKS PDM Server- do not install 
   SolidNetwork License Manager!
   When asked of License Server definition input: 25734@localhost

   3.1 If the System Check Warning window appears, ignore it (click Next to continue)

   3.2 If the warning "SolidWorks Serial number was not found in activation database" 
       appears, ignore it (click OK to continue)

   3.3 Click "Select different package" and tick option 
       "Select products not included in this package"

   3.4 Select SW products to be installed

   3.5 If the "The Installation Manager was unable to determine the current subscription 
       expiration date. Would you like to reactivate your license to update this information?"
       appears, press No and press Yes in "Do you want to do it later?" prompt.

4. After end of setup 
   4.1 Run Windows Task Manager > Details
       Find (if exist) process "sldworks_fs.exe" > right mouse click > remove the task

   4.2 Delete (if exist) file C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\netapi32.dll

   4.3 Remane (if exist) file C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS PDM\StoredProcs.dll
       to StoredProcs.dll.bak

   4.4. Copy folders from crack folder "SOLIDWORKS Corp" on top of original ones in folder
        C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\ (if folders with the same names exist)

5. Run "SolidSQUADLoaderEnabler.reg" and confirm to add info 
   into Windows Registry


7. Start SolidWorks 2025
   If in the splash window you see SOLIDWORKS/Standard instead of SOLIDWORKS/Premium run

   Help > SolidNetWork License Manager > License Order > Reset > Apply > OK

   Restart SolidWorks 2025

8. Enjoy

SOLIDWORKS 2025 新增功能
借助應設計師要求的增強功能加快產品開發,使其達到協作式 3D 設計的行業標準。
使用 SOLIDWORKS 打造精英運動員的訓練體驗
Proteus 是測試和訓練體力和力量的新標準。在不到八年的時間內,Proteus 如何從
一家初創公司發展成為符合行業標準的公司?他們利用 SOLIDWORKSR 產品開發工具
,從零開始設計了一款運動科學實驗室。Proteus 引入了一種測量力量和體能的新方
SOLIDWORKS CAD 解決方案針對專業建模功能、可立刻投入生產的製造文檔和即時雲協
作工具提供值得信賴的行業標準體驗。觀看視頻並下載主要增強功能列表,瞭解 SOLIDWORKS 
2025 增強功能。亮點包括:
直接從 SOLIDWORKS 介面內部與同行建立聯繫和協作
利用 SOLIDWORKS 基於雲的增強型工具套件重新構想設計、協作和文檔。憑藉零件和
裝配體設計、自由樣式建模、工程圖和基於模型的定義、運動仿真和 2D 製圖體驗等
改進的用戶體驗和強大的新增強功能,加快產品開發流程。觀看視頻,瞭解 SOLIDWORKS 
2025 基於流覽器的增強功能。亮點包括:
利用熟悉的 2D 工程圖工作流程創建圖紙、視圖、尺寸、公差等,定義製造要求
直接在工程圖環境中添加視圖、尺寸和公差,而不是只能將其添加到 3D 模型中
