Adobe Soundbooth CS3 Version 1.0英文正式版(奧多比音頻編輯) (1dvd)
軟體名稱:Adobe Soundbooth CS3 Version 1.0英文正式版(奧多比音頻編輯) (1dvd)
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
Adobe Soundbooth CS3 Version 1.0(奧多比音頻編輯)
使用基於任務的工具控制電影、視頻或 AdobeR FlashR 專案中的音頻, 以清理錄製內容、潤飾旁白、自定義音樂
和聲音效果, 等等。AdobeR Soundbooth? CS3 軟體具有直觀的介面, 可以幫助您快速地完成工作, 而無需犧牲創意。
Adobe公司宣佈,在下個版本的Production Studio中,Adobe將用一個全新的名叫Soundbooth的軟體來替代Audition。
Soundbooth是專門為那些沒有專業音頻編輯背景且又是Premiere Pro,After Effects和Encore DVD的用戶準備的。
Soundbooth取代了Audition,第一次被收錄在Adobe套裝中,並成為Adobe CS3中的一個組成部分。同時Adobe公司表示
針對Apple公司的 Soundtrack Pro而推出的。
Adobe Soundbooth CS3這款軟體的主要特點在於提供了噪音清除、配樂合成和效果過濾的功能。它的噪音清除工具可以
Healing Brush-style的自動修復功能,對(音頻塊的)光譜分析的可視圖像進行修復。
其他的一些工具有:控制預設(具備單擊錄音加強器功能)、錄音工具、同Premiere Pro CS3相容,可為Flash製作動畫佇列。
What is Soundbooth CS3?
AdobeR Soundbooth? CS3 software lets you take command of your audio in film, video, and Adobe FlashR software
projects. Use on-clip controls to make fast edits and intuitive, task-based tools to clean up recordings,
polish voice-overs, customize music, modify sound effects, apply high-quality filters, and much more. Tight
integration with Flash CS3 Professional and Adobe PremiereR Pro CS3 software and an intuitive, visual interface
mean you can get the job done quickly without sacrificing creative control.
Intuitive audio editing with on-clip controls
Use powerful, sample-accurate tools to cut, copy, paste, fade, and stretch audio assets. Intuitive on-clip
tools make common edits instant, and visual feedback keeps you informed at every step.
Fast audio cleanup
Automatically detect and fix common flaws in audio recordings such as hisses, hums, rumbling, crackling, and pops.
AutoComposer with customizable music content
Select one of the dozens of included Soundbooth Scores, and then customize it to match your project. Adjust
intensity to match the project’s visual mood, and change the length to fit.
Visual tools for healing sound
Use tools like those in AdobeR PhotoshopR software to visually identify, select, and remove individual sounds
from a spectral display of your waveform.
More than 15 high-quality audio filters
Enjoy a library of audio filters to help you achieve your own sound, including reverb, echo, EQ, time and
pitch stretch, distortion, chorus, and more. Combine up to five effects using the Effects Rack.
Fast mastering and vocal improvement
Use streamlined mastering tools to polish your file, clarify vocals, and give it punch.
New audio asset recording
Record high-quality mono or stereo audio files such as voice-overs with markers and take numbering.
Thousands of sound effects via Resource Central
Create or customize existing audio using thousands of sound effects available via Resource Central.
(Internet connection required.)
Tight integration with Adobe Premiere Pro
Smooth roundtrip editing allows you to send assets from Adobe PremiereR Pro using the Edit in Soundbooth
command. After your edits are complete, the files are automatically updated back in the Adobe Premiere
Pro timeline or project window.
Animation cues for Adobe Flash
Lay down markers in Adobe Soundbooth and export them as XML or in FLV. Access the markers through ActionScript?
language in Adobe FlashR software or in the FLV encoder for tasks like driving animation or creating captions.