Autodesk MotionBuilder 2024 x64 三維角色動畫製作軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝)
軟體名稱:Autodesk MotionBuilder 2024 x64 三維角色動畫製作軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝)
系統支援:Windows 10 Professional operating system
1) Install Autodesk Application - Do Not Start it yet
2) Install the Autodesk network license manager (v11.18.0) from crack folder (NLM.msi Update 8)
-Default install is "C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager"
-Stop any running instance (lmgrd, adskflex) if you have one
-Replace adskflex.exe by cracked one
3) Replace the version.dll - \Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\AdskLicensing\Current\AdskLicensingAgent\
4) Edit lic.dat and change HOSTNAME and MAC to suit your configuration (if you are not sure start LMTOOLS Utility and go to
System Settings, your HOSTNAME and MAC will be listed)
You can change vendor port too and add your previous licenses of course :)
Save lic.dat where you want (we suggest to "C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager" folder)
5) You have 2 options:
1)Start Network License Manager manually :
Run the license manager with "lmgrd.exe -z -c lic.dat" from "C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager" folder
2)Create a Service: (suggested)
Start LMTOOLS Utility (lmtools.exe GUI) from "C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager" folder
- in 'config services', add a "Autodesk' service name
choose C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager\lmgrd.exe for path to lmgrd
choose X:\path\where\you\saved\lic.dat for path to license file
choose a empty file to have debug logs (optional)
tick 'start server at power up' and 'use services'
Click Save
- in 'service/license file' choose configuration using services and tick 'ignore license file path env var" (dont click that if you
you wanna use a ditributed licensing .. or you will have to edit or create a Licpath.lic file)
- in 'start/stop/read' click 'start server'
click 'rereadlicense file'
- in 'server status' click 'perform status enquiry'
check that you have 'adskflex: UP v11.18.0'
check features are activated : Users of 87545ACD_2022_0F: (Total of 100 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) for example
- in 'server diags' check all featured can be checked out
- check logs also win 'config services' if you configured it
7) Start Your Autodesk Application
- When prompted select "Use a network license"
- Select "Single license server"
- Use, localhost or where the flexlm daemon is installed (syntax could be port@server).
MotionBuilderR 是一款 3D 角色動畫軟體,用於讓可愛的角色和兇猛的生物栩栩如
在 Maya 和 3ds Max 等 3D 內容創建工具之間無縫交換資料。歡迎來到 MotionBuilder
2024!此版本包括一個顯示最新 Python 輸出消息的新工具、角色控制視窗中對稱編
輯狀態 的新圖示、 移動原理圖框時的撤銷和重做支援 ,以及許多其他有益的工作流
程增強功能。MotionBuilder 2024 中的 “將源分配到目標”選項中添加了新的搜索功
能 。對稱 功能(平移、旋轉和縮放)現在可以通過角色控制 視窗中的新圖示訪問 。
故事視窗中新的 動作面板鏡頭堆疊 現在可以 通過介面左側最近添加的下拉箭頭折疊
從Motion File Export導出 FBX 時,現在有兩個新列可用 。它們是: 幀速率和自
定義。這些新列允許您在將 FBX 導出為動畫時 輕鬆地從“運動檔導出”設置中設置幀
速率 。