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Create and integrate reports into your Web and server-based applications
- and deploy them easily as zero-client or rich-client solutions.
Recommended for Application Developers
Learn more about features in Crystal Reports Developer Edition that have
been designed for application developers.
* Application integration
Find out how you can use Crystal Reports to add report viewing,
creation, and modification capabilities your applications.
* Data access
Access almost any kind of data with more than 35 data drivers and
tight control over database connectivity.
* Formatting and design
Design professional-looking, interactive reports using features
like the visual report designer and dynamic prompts.
* Report viewing and interaction
Make it easy for people in your organization to view and work with
their reports by customizing them to match their needs.
* Security, support, and maintenance
Learn how Crystal Reports can work within your existing security
infrastructure and with other Business Objects tools.
* Leverage a common security policy model with the Tivoli Access
Manager family of products to extend support to other resources, such as
WebSphere MQ applications, and UNIX and Linux system resources.
* Provide a base for Federation: Companies that choose to
collaborate in identity-based business processes may benefit from IBM
Tivoli Federated Identity Manager's ability to help simplify integration
between companies and their partners' Web sites. Federated SSO
solutions, such as Tivoli Federated Identity Manager add standardized
cross-domain SSO (SAML, Liberty, WS-Federation) to a security system.
However these typically need first-point-of-contact and session
management to already be in place; Access Manager fills that role (and
Access Manager for e-business customers can upgrade to Tivoli Federated
Identity Manager if federation becomes a requirement in the future).
* Manage and secure your business environments from your existing
hardware (mainframe, PCs, servers) and operating system platforms
including Windows, Linux, AIX, Solaris, and HP-UX.
Other Key Features:
Policy-driven security helping to enforce compliance
You can group users and assign permissions to groups, simplifying
administration of access control across multiple applications and
resources. There is support for dynamic rules, dynamic business
entitlements, and authorization decisions based on external data for
applications that require it.
Enhanced Auditing helping to streamline reporting with Common Auditing
and Reporting Services (CARS)
The new version of Tivoli Access Manager is the first product to include
IBM’s new Common Auditing and Reporting Service (CARS) platform, which
provides a consistent way to audit and report on data. Currently, it is
difficult for enterprises to gather required information on who accessed
what application/data when. For example, this can help ensure that
financial data applications or HR applications with sensitive
information are accessed appropriately. CARS automates the collection of
audit data and provides the ability for enterprises to centrally view
and report audit data that are critical for compliance needs. This
allows the audit process to be much more efficient and reduces the cost
of compliance.
Centralized administration reducing costs and enhancing security
Tivoli Access Manager includes a Web browser-based tool with which your
administrator can manage users, groups, roles, permissions, policies,
proxy junctions, and application access provisioning. This tool extends
beyond delegated user management to also deliver delegated security
Integrated identity management for greater value on your investment
Tivoli Access Manager for e-business can integrate with IBM Tivoli
Identity Manager to help you get users, systems, and applications
on-line and productive fast. IBM Tivoli Identity Manager has an Access
Manager adapter that offers identity lifecycle management (user self
care, enrollment, approvals workflow, and provisioning) extending Access
Manager user management to be handled alongside other security systems.
IBM Tivoli Access Manager helps you deliver a consistent and secure user
experience by having end users use a single identity to log in once to
the Enterprise Portal or Microsoft IIS Server and gain access to
resources according to authorization rules. With support for Web SSO and
secure session management across e-communities, it helps securely extend
your business processes to business partners and business affiliates,
and with the option to upgrade to Tivoli Federated Identity Manager,
this can now extend to SAML, Liberty and WS-Federation authentication.
IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-business performs intelligent load
balancing over replicated servers and can scale your server deployment.
It supports implementations in excess of one hundred million users,
takes advantage of SSL accelerator card technology and secure hardware
keystore, and provides a fail-over capability that allows automatic
switchover to a backup Web server.
Modular design for easier use
The modular authorization architecture of IBM Tivoli Access Manager for
e-business separates security code from application code. This can
translate to an improved time to market for your business initiatives,
because typically you can change the security code without affecting
application code, and vice-versa. This separation also accommodates
"defense in depth" designs that involve enforcing security in a layer,
such as a demilitarized zone. Tivoli Access Manager for e-business can
help lower your cost of building security into new applications by
reducing the need to write complex security code. It integrates with Web
application servers that support Java 2, JAAS, and JACC without
requiring nonstandard tasks such as extra precompiles. It also has
focused J2EE-based support for securing WebSphere Application Server and
BEA WebLogic Server.
Tivoli Access Manager for e-business received a Common Criteria
certification, under the auspices of the International Common Criteria
process, administered by the National Information Assurance Partnership.