
CrystalMaker CrystalMaker v2.3.4 晶體分子軟體 英文破解版

軟體名稱:CrystalMaker CrystalMaker v2.3.4 晶體分子軟體 英文破解版
系統支援:For Windows XP/Vista/7

破解說明:安裝完成後,請將光碟 \Crack目錄下的檔案,複製到主程式的
         安裝目錄內中,並覆蓋, 即可破解!

CrystalDiffract is designed to make the world of               
X-ray (or neutron) powder diffraction intuitive,               
interactive, and fun!                                          
CrystalDiffract reads from saved crystal files, to             
simulate x-ray or neutron powder diffraction                   
patterns on screen, with easy manipulation and                 
measurement tools.                                             
Real-time parameter controls let you experiment with           
diffraction and sample settings, with instant                  
feedback. Combine these with instant mixture                   
creation - and the ability to load observed data in            
the same window - and you have a powerful workbench            
application for researchers, teachers and students             
* The New Diffraction                                          
CrystalDiffract goes beyond traditional laboratory             
x-ray diffraction, with the ability to simulate                
diffraction from the latest synchrotron x-ray                  
sources (white-radiation energy-dispersive                     
diffraction) as well as ultra-high resolution                  
neutron spallation sources (time-of-flight                     
Of course, traditional laboratory diffractometer               
techniques are also covered, and you present your              
resuls as a diffractometer "trace", or a simulated             
diffraction film.                                              
* Simulating Mixtures                                          
CrystalDiffract can simulate diffraction patterns              
from multi-phase mixtures. You can add new phases to           
a mixture simply by dragging and dropping files into           
a diffraction window and then clicking the Toolbar's           
"Mix" button.                                                  
You can have virtually unlimited numbers of                    
components, adjust individual phase proportions in             
real time, and turn phases "on" or "off" using                 
checkboxes in the Structures List. You can toggle              
between display of separate diffraction patterns               
(perhaps stacked, for greater clarify), and combined           
in "mixture mode".                                             
* Analyse Experimental Data                                    
CrystalDiffract lets you import multiple                       
experimental (xy) datasets for comparison with                 
simulated data: just drag-and-drop text files into             
your diffraction window.                                       
You can check your experimental data for impurity              
phases or other anomalies - or even attempt to                 
identify an unknown phase using a match of observed            
and calculated data (the Structures list allows you            
to quickly scan through a list of ideal phases,                
relative to the observed data).                                
When the observed data have been characterized,                
baseline and zero-error corrections can be applied             
interactively, and a residual graph/film displayed             
on screen (together with a sum-of-squares difference           
* Plot Control                                                 
CrystalDiffract offers extensive plot control. You             
can select a pattern and choose from a wide range of           
plot styles. You can specify a precise plot range,             
or search for specific peaks. Scaling controls are             
provided for x and y axes, with a Magnify tool and             
auto-scaling option. You can also adjust the                   
front-to-back ordering of multiple diffraction                 
patterns, and automatically stack- or collapse the             
CrystalDiffract offers high-resolution printing,               
re-sampling simulated diffraction profiles to match            
your printer's resolution. As an alternative to                
printing, you can export diffraction traces as text            
files, in xy format, with your chosen x-axis                   
* Saving/Exporting Data                                        
CrystalDiffract lets you save your work as a                   
self-contained "session" file, for quick and                   
convenient access next time you use the program. You           
can also export data files containing structural               
data, listings of custom-sorted diffraction data,              
structure factors, or diffraction profiles (e.g.,              
for plotting in a spreadsheet or graphing program).            
