
ReportGenerator v2.301 報表軟體 英文破解版

軟體名稱:ReportGenerator v2.301 報表軟體 英文破解版
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003

破解說明:請使用\crack 目錄下的keygen.EXE序號機產生序號
disable automatic updates when finishing install -&- 2nd
serial in kg is for gait-circle



              ReportGenerator v2.301 報表軟體 英文破解版


Report Generator是一款可用來設計、顯示和從單張圖片或在含有120個GCD或C3D檔中的

Designed for use with C3D file that contain kinematic data  
from programs such as Plug in Gait from Vicon, this          
program enables anyone to design, display and print data     
from as many as 120 C3D files in any single graph or         
report. ReportGenerator is compatible with, and can read,    
standard report definition files (RPT files) created by      
the Vicon Clinical Manager application (now discontinued     
but formerly sold by Oxford Metrics Ltd). These report       
definition files can be edited interactively from within     
ReportGenerator. This program is the ideal graphing tool     
for anyone who has been using VCM to generate clinical       
reports and needs direct printed output.                     
ReportGenerator is a feature-rich application, written       
specifically to address the many shortcomings of both        
Vicon Clinical Manager, Polygon and many other C3D           
reporting tools, ReportGenerator creates reports that        
print directly on any printer supported by Windows,          
exported as bitmap (.BMP) files to almost any document or    
application and fully supports copy and paste into           
applications such as Word etc.                               
ReportGenerator can also export and normalize any C3D file   
variable. One of the features of ReportGenerator is its      
support for the creation of ASCII GCD files containing       
Gait Cycle Data from any C3D file created by Vicon           
Plug-In-Gait. This makes it a simple process to extract      
ASCII data, already normalized in "n" points into files      
suitable for Excel, MATLAB or SAS.                           
The Gait Cycle Calculation module is an additional option    
that is available for the ReportGenerator that can extract   
variables directly from the C3D file. This is an add-on      
module that enables ReportGenerator to calculate numeric     
values based on the contents of any GCD file (existing GCD   
files, or GCD data that has been extracted from              
"Plug-in-Gait" C3D files). This feature allows the user to   
quickly determine the values of various data points of       
interest within the GCD file ?for example it is now          
trivial to measure and report the value of maximum knee      
flexion, the time within the gait cycle when a maximum       
occurs, the slope of any section of the gait cycle data,     
or the power over any period within the gait cycle. The      
GCC module allows almost any number of functions to be       
created ?each function creating a variable that can be       
stored within the GCD file or used and referenced by         
subsequent calculations. All calculated values can be        
written back to the GCD file for reference, or can be        
accessed by other software packages.                         

