
Dorling Kindersley 3D World Atlas(DK三維世界地圖)

軟體名稱:Dorling Kindersley 3D World Atlas(DK三維世界地圖)
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003


Dorling Kindersley 3D World Atlas(DK三維世界地圖)

Dorling Kindersley (DK) 出品的三維電子世界地圖,真實再現整個地球的 3D 模型,猶如身處太空俯視地球一樣。



使用時先執行 AutoRun.exe 安裝,之後便可以從硬碟或是光碟來開啟程式。支援 Windows 98/2000/XP 作業系統。


1974年 Peter Kindersley 和 Christopher Dorling 建立 DK 公司。他們的願望就是創作既有視覺衝擊力又包含資訊

豐富的圖書,使讀者能夠理解每一個主題。DK 圖書被認為是從出生到年老不斷學習的生活指南。

DK 在開始的時候像一個工作室,為其他出版商創作圖書,並且從那時候國際化就成為 DK 圖書的重要理念。

使用更多的圖片使 DK 圖書在一開始就與眾不同,它強調圖文並茂,這使 DK 圖書更易於閱讀和理解。同時也旨在創作

能夠在市場中長期銷售的書,DK 很多70年代創作的書至今已經賣出了上百萬冊,而且現在還不斷改版,重印。如攝影

大師 John Hedgecoe 的“New Book of Photography”《新攝影手冊》,“Complete Book of Mother and Baby Care”《媽

媽寶寶護理大全》,“the First Aid Manual”《急救手冊》,這些書也被翻譯成中文出版銷售。在國際上最為暢銷 DK 圖

書是於1988年開始出版的目擊者指南系列“Eyewitness Guides Series”,這套書以44種語言在世界各地銷售超過5500萬冊。

1982年,DK 開始在英國以自己的商標出版圖書,並很快成為知名品牌。DK 還和世界知名組織如紅十字會、Smithsonian 研

究所、皇家園藝協會等,建立聯繫,進行合作,很快使 DK 的品牌更加值得信賴。

現在DK 已經延伸到不同類型的出版,從迪士尼、夢工廠等的特許出版到適於成人的旅遊指南、懷孕、保健、電腦技術以及適



DK 與中國出版界有著長期的合作歷史。1992年 DK 第一次來到中國,參加了北京國際圖書博覽會。1994年 DK 與廣西接力出版


1997年 DK 建立了北京辦事處,郭志平先生為辦事處的首席代表。2000年何奕女士成為 DK 北京辦事處的一員。現在 DK 北京辦


目前 DK 每年有50-100本書在中國出版。這些書既有針對成人讀者的也有適合少年兒童的,主題涵蓋母嬰護理、體育健康、自然




DK 在中國的目標就是與中國的出版合作夥伴建立長期穩定的合作關係,為成功創作出版適合於每個人的圖書提供有力支援。

2006年9月 DK 中文網正式運行。DK 一直關注通過多種方式加強與中國出版合作者密切的合作,推動由中國出版社出版的 DK 圖書



3D World Atlas

Product Features

- Hot links lead you to helpful geographic information

- Virtual technology renders flat maps as 3D globes

- Unique 'horizon' view of planet Earth

- Measure the distance between two or more locations

- Shows latitude/longitude co-ordinates

- Print or copy maps, text, and graphics

- Country Overviews cover: Climate, Education, People, Economy, Crime, Wealth

- Politics, Environment, Tourism, and history

a 3D atlas of the world, as you'd expect 

Okay, let's throw out a tangential line here. What if you were an alien, visiting Earth - imagine that. If 

otherworldly inspiration lets you down, just pretend you're Bill Bailey or Grace Jones. What's the first thing

 you'd do? Aside from wondering (a) What that wet stuff falling from the sky is (assuming you're in England); (
   What the hell an "asshole" is (if you're Stateside) and c Why do DJ's exist? Hint: "Take me to your leader" is 
   a complete non-starter.

But navigation would be an important consideration, so nipping to the nearest software retailer and picking up a copy

 of 3D World Atlas would be high on the list of beneficial possibilities. It would be a font of edification in which
  to bathe your extraterrestrial mind, with knowledge of the geographical, political and social aspects of our planet.
   Or would it?

This program is quite simply what it says on the box - a 3D model of the globe you can spin around with your mouse 

hand. Graphically it's reasonably impressive and the globe scrolls fairly smoothly. Click on any country and you're 

offered a chance to examine detailed statistics concerning the place.

These go into some depth, with information provided on population, level of education, crime, tourism, along with 

economic and political status (with some very interesting and detailed pieces of text on these sections). Much of 

this is commendably current, covering up until the end of last year.

There are five different modes of display into which the globe can be switched, with five levels of zoom. These include

 a general map, a physical map showing tectonic plates and volcanoes, a satellite view displaying physical features 
 such as mountains (you can click on any mountain or river to see its name, although no further info is offered), 
 along with bio-geographic zones and an earth-by-night view.

Along with this solid core material, extra content is provided in the form of Earth-related topics. Those that wish 

to learn about the environment, natural disasters, the global climate and similar issues can explore a range of 

sub-topics based on these themes. They're rather skimpily detailed however, and only a few photos are provided with

 some concise text.

It seems that developer Dorling Kindersley missed the chance to really flesh these extras out. The multimedia content 

is pretty scarce and they could have gone to town with videos in these sections. Still, it wasn't to be.

Nevertheless, the program is fundamentally concrete and well presented. It also boasts an easy to use interface and 

some smart extras like the ability to bookmark any number of places on the map and add your own comments, along with 

a distance tool to measure the miles between any number of points.

Dorling Kindersley - 3D World Atlas features - Verdict

Essentially this is a well presented atlas containing a good range of informative details on every country in the world. 

The interface is well thought out and easy to use, although the multimedia content is rather weak and the developer 

could have done much more with certain sections of the disc. It's a fair price to ask, however, for a fairly impressive


Reviews Review

Travel has never been more popular. Yet no matter how many footloose gap-year students stream to the corners of the 

globe, armchair travel probably remains almost as popular. Dorling Kindersley's 3D World Atlas is a new CD-ROM package

 firmly in the armchair bracket, giving in-depth coverage of every country in the world--from maps, through demographic
  statistics to information on geographical phenomena. Why move from the sofa when you can (virtually) experience the 
  world in your living room? 
3D World Atlas includes the range of features you would expect from a printed atlas and more. The general world maps 

are set to an optimal scale, allowing different levels of focus, and there are also the physical maps to view. However,

 the most striking aspect of this package is its unusual features, particularly those that come from space. 

The two satellite image-projections of the earth are revealing. First comes the ordinary view of the earth's physical

 features from the heavens--yes, you really can pick out the Great Wall of China--and then an image of the earth by 
 night, showing all the lights around the world: it's a sparkly and revealing picture of the spread of economic 
 development across the planet. Add to this brilliant photography of deserts, mountains and jungles in the bio-climate
  zones and the package transcends the limitations of traditional atlases. --Toby Green 

Manufacturer's Description

From Pole to Pole, this stunning, interactive 3D world atlas lets you explore the world as never before! 3D World 

Atlas is a complete, concise, and exciting way to explore the world. Featuring over half a million mapped locations,

 3D World Atlas provides a level of detail to satisfy even the most demanding traveler or researcher.
Information for  "3D World Atlas"

1. Installation

a. Put the CD in the CD drive. It is recommended to quit any programmes running in the background, and to disable 

screensavers, anti-virus programs etc.

b. The CD setup should start automatically under WIndows. Go to Para d.. 

c. If the CD does not start, choose Windows ,  and then type "D:\SetupDat\Install.exe"  (where "D" is the 

letter assigned to the CD drive). 

d. Follow the instructions on screen.

e. The setup program will install the files into Program Files/ Xamba.

f. The set up will install a shortcut in the Programs menu: under DK Multimedia or 3D World Atlas.

2. Internet Explorer 5

Parts of 3D World Atlas are implemented using HTML. To dispaly this data correctly, you must have Internet Explorer 

4.0 or above installed. If you do not have this installed, please go to, where you may download

 this product, according to the conditions stipulated there.
