
West Wind Web Monitor v3.43 網站訪客記錄統計分析軟體 英文破解版
軟體名稱:West Wind Web Monitor v3.43 網站訪客記錄統計分析軟體 英文破解版
系統支援:For WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003/WIN 7
Basic Serial: BLINKY300
Service Serial: BLINKED300
Need to keep an eye on your Web site? Worried that your site might not
be up and running returning accurate results? How much is it costing you
if your site is down or not responding properly? Can you afford *not* to
monitor your site?
West Wind Web Monitor can help you monitor any number of Web site links
to ensure they are alive and kicking, and more importantly, returning the
results you actually expect. Web Monitor can watch an unlimited number of
Web URLs and notify you via email or pager if and when there is a problem.
It can even launch another URL or execute a file to correct the problem
without manual intervention when a failure occurs. Web Monitor also notifies
you again once the site comes back up, so that you can relax and back off
from full panic mode at 3am in the morning.
Web Monitor can run either as a desktop application, taskbar item or as a
Windows Service and allows you to monitor up to 100 sites per instance. The
Service Version also provides a remote Web interface to administer the Web
Monitor Service over the Web (requires Internet Information Services and
ASP.NET 2.0 or later).
West Wind Web Monitor Features:
Web Site Monitoring
* Monitor any number of Web sites simultaneously
* Monitor HTTP result for a specific strings contained in result
* Search for result text or missing result text with plain text or RegEx expressions
* Configure each site individually including messages, actions and check frequency
* Recheck sites before failing to avoid false positives
* Support for Authentication, SSL, POST and HTTP Headers in monitoring
* Supports monitoring of Web Services
* Monitor sites once every few seconds or once a day - it's up to you
* Hit maintenance links at regular intervals to perform automated Web tasks
Failure Notification and Recovery Processing
* Send email or pager/SMS notifications (via email) in response to failures
* Unlimited number of recipients are supported
* Execute one or two Web links or executables on the local machine in response to a failure
* Detect site reactivation and send notification of reactivation
* Create custom Notification handlers via add-in model using any .NET language
* Logging of failure and restart events
* Log files store data in XML format for external Log parsing
and scripted configuration modification without the UI
* Four operational modes:
o Desktop Operation
o Task Tray Operation
o Windows Service Operation (Service Version)
* ASP.NET Web Front end to administer Web Monitor remotely
* Add-in support lets you extend Web Monitor with any .NET Language
* Customizable and pluggable .NET C# source code version available
to plug Web Monitor monitoring engine into your own .NET applications.