Sygate Office Network4.5.851 英文正式版(頻寬合併+多台電腦同時上網+IP 鎖定)
軟體名稱:Sygate Office Network4.5.851 英文正式版(頻寬合併+多台電腦同時上網+IP 鎖定)
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
軟體類型:頻寬合併+多台電腦同時上網+IP 鎖定
Sygate Office Network4.5.851 英文正式版(頻寬合併+多台電腦同時上網+IP 鎖定)
大廠出的就是不同於一般!!Sygate Office Network 讓你享有頻寬合併+多台電腦同時上網的便利功能.....
對於一般的寬頻用戶來講,使用固定 IP 的方式上網在費用上畢竟還是有點高昂,
不過現在你可以使用 Sygate Office Network 頻寬分享功能,讓你架設在區域網路內的電腦,
使用寬頻上網,如 Cable 、ADSL 等幾乎可以說是目前的主要趨勢,
不過大多數的用戶仍採用動態 IP 的方式上網,基本上要同時上網的可能性並不高,
而 Sygate Office Network 允許你家中或小型辦公室中的
Sygate Office Network 的安裝架設方式相當簡單,相較於其它同類型的軟體,
你只需要在各客戶端電腦上將網路的設定值均指向架設有 Sygate Office Network 的主機即可,
而 Sygate Office Network 本身並不限安裝的作業平台,無論你使用的是
Windows 9X、NT、2000、XP 這些均適用。此外,聰明的 Sygate Office Network
還在安全管制上並不是沒有顧慮的,在預設的狀況下,Sygate Office Network
Sygate Office Network 也允許透過 IP 鎖定的方式來限制能上線的電腦。
與 Sygate Home Network 最大的不同處在於,Sygate Office Network
Sygate Office Network 這個功能強大、操作使用方便的網路頻寬共享軟體絕對可以滿足你使用上的需求。
Internet Connection Management:
Sygate Office Network provides scalable Internet access sharing
(as a software router) across various connection types, such as DSL,
T1, ISDN, analog modems, cable modems, and satellite.
The award-winning Sygate Personal Firewall can be installed with the
Sygate Office Network Server for free, which together will deliver
enterprise-quality security to both the network and the gateway computer
using its cutting-edge bi-directional application-centric stateful packet inspection technology.
Network Bridge:
Network multiple subnets with varying connection types, including HPNA,
Home RF, Ethernet, and 802.11b with the Sygate software network bridge.
Network bridging allows you to build your network to fit your varying network
configuration needs at home and work.
Modem Pooling:
Sygate Office Network lets you combine the bandwidth of several analog modems,
giving you a highly scalable access solution.
Dynamic Bandwidth Optimization:
Sygate Office Network ensures bandwidth hungry applications, such as large file
transfers, do not impact/degrade your network performance.
Bandwidth Management and Control:
Improves the performance of your Internet connection by giving business-critical
applications and/or users top priority.
Simple Automated Installation:
Sygate Office Network installs in just minutes on one PC in your network that
directly accesses the Internet. Sygate Office Network automatically assigns all
needed parameters to each computer, including TCP/IP address, subnet mask, gateway
and DNS server. After one install process, all of your network computers will have Internet access.
Application Support:
Unlike proxy-based products, Sygate Office Network is based on Network Address
Translation (NAT) technology. Internet applications such as email clients,
Web browsers, news, chat, and Instant Messaging work automatically.
Network Diagnostics:
Sygate Office Network reviews your network settings to ensure that your network is
working properly. If not, Sygate Office Network will either correct the
problem or advise you on repair options.
Multiple VPN-Client Support:
Supports multiple PPTP and IPSec VPN clients by routing VPN traffic of multiple VPN client
computers in you LAN. Supports PPTP and IPSec VPN solutions such as Microsoft PPTP,
Shiva VPN Client, and Bay Networks VPN.
Activity Logging:
Collect network traffic data that is needed to optimize your bandwidth. The Sygate
Office Network database driven log collects the information you need to be informed
about how your Internet connection is being used. Use this information to prioritize
applications and personnel – to get work completed faster.
Activity Reporting:
Manage your connection and personnel with the Sygate Office Network Event Log.
The Event Log reports the Top 10 Web Surfers, Top 10 sites visited, and Top 10 Web Traffickers.
Web Site Permissions:
Sygate Office Network allows you to control and schedule each computer's
access to specific web sites, such as blocking or enabling specific sites or applications,
or defining only the sites each computer can access.
System Requirements
Gateway Machine:
Intel? 486 (or equivalent) processor or faster
Windows 95b/98/NT 4.0 with SP4+/2000/ME, and XP
32 MB of RAM or higher
10 MB free disk space
DSL, DirecPC, or Cable Modem and Two Network Interface cards or one Network
Interface Card and a dial-up analog or ISDN modem.
A working Internet account with Microsoft Dial-Up Networking 1.2 or higher,
America Online 4.0 or higher, DirecPC, or a Cable or DSL service.
TCP/IP protocol installed