
Flomerics Flotherm V3.1 英文光碟正式版

軟體名稱:Flomerics Flotherm V3.1 英文光碟正式版
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003


Flomerics Flotherm V3.1 英文光碟正式版 

            2. 開啟license.dat, 編輯hostname(主機名稱)成你的主機名稱, 並將檔案
               存在 X:\Flomerics\Flexlm61 (X:表示安裝的硬碟機代號)
            3. 重開機
            4. 到控制台下啟動 FLEXlm License Management, 安裝一個新的profile, 
               並將檔案指到上面所更改的目錄位置X:\Flomerics\Flexlm61 ; 並且指到
               原來的檔案後,啟動 Server 就可以執行程式了
     Flomerics, the world's leading supplier of CFD-based thermal analysis
     software for electronics applications, has announced
     Flotherm Version 3.1, featuring a number of significant new ease-of-use
     and productivity enhancements.

Solver Enhancements
     Users can now model curved surfaces and non-rectangular geometries with
     relative ease.
     A new, high-performance solver enhancement -- a conjugate
     residual solver option for temperature and pressure -- offers
     significant speed increases for most Flotherm applications
     (typically by a factor of 2 to 3, and in some cases by a factor of 10
     to 20).

SmartPart Enhancements
     A new EDA import option has been introduced. This feature enables the
     direct import of board layout data via IDF2.0 or IDF3.0 files (see http:
     // for more information).

     The PCB SmartPart also has a new feature to define the board conductivity
     in terms of user-specified layers.

     With the Fan SmartPart and defined non-linear fans, the operating point
     calculated by Flotherm is now displayed graphically on the fan curve plot.

FLO/MCAD Enhancements
     New Healing husk from Spatial Technology improves the simplification
     and dissection of imported MCAD data by automatically "healing" or
     correcting gaps in the solid geometry.

     New IGES translator from Spatial Technology widens the range of MCAD
     products that Flotherm can support by allowing the import of many
     different types of IGES files.

All ACIS versions up to 5.2 are supported.
     Visualization Enhancements
     Now standard with Flotherm, a new visualization window provides
     innovative methods for post-processing and visualizing flow results
     to give unprecedented image quality and performance.

     The new visualization window includes all the normal visualization
     functionality for fills and vectors, plus a new option to display
     object surface temperatures.

Additional Productivity Enhancements
     A new dialogue calculates solar radiation directly from solar position.
     Enhancements to the Tables Application window improve summary data
     from defined regions and conducting cuboid blocks. This includes
     data on surface heat fluxes from conducting cuboid blocks as well as
     the minimum, maximum, and average temperature in regions and
     conducting cuboid blocks.

     Gridding enhancements include a new automatic grid interpolator that
     compensates for changes in initial data between previous solutions
     and new cases, and a dynamic grid-smoothing algorithm that makes it
     easier and faster to create a quality grid prior to solution.
