
WinHEX 10.0 SR-7 英文完整正式版 (最新文書編輯軟體!)

軟體名稱:WinHEX 10.0 SR-7 英文完整正式版 (最新文書編輯軟體!)
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003

破解說明:序號和破解檔在光碟機 CRACK 檔內!


WinHEX 10.0 SR-7 英文完整正式版(最新文書編輯軟體,2001年12月最新 SR-7 正式版!)

【軟體原售價】32 美金

                          WinHEX 10.0 SR-7 英文完整正式版

              老牌 Hex 十六進位編輯器工具,文件小、速度快,可做 Hex 與 ASCII 
      碼編輯修改,多文件搜尋取代功能..等等,最新版本Disk Edit 及 Ram Edit支援
      了Win2000 軟體說明一般運算及邏輯運算,硬碟磁區編輯(支援FAT16、FAT32和NTFS)

A hex editor is capable of completely displaying the contents of each file type.
 Unlike a text editor, a  hex editor even displays control codes (e. g. linefeed
 and carriage-return characters) and executable code, using a two-digit number
 based on the hexadecimal system.

Consider one byte to be a sequence of 8 bits. Each bit is either 0 or 1, it assumes
 one of two possible states. Therefore one byte can have one of 2??????? = 2^8 
= 256 different values. Since 256 is the square of 16, a byte value can be defined
 by a two-digit number based on the hexadecimal system, where each digit
 represents a tetrade or nibble of a byte, i. e. 4 bits. The sixteen digits used in the 
hexadecimal system are 0-9, A-F. 

You can change the value of a byte by changing these digits in the hexadecimal
 mode. It is also possible to enter the character that is assigned to a certain byte
 value by a character set (cf. Entering Characters). All kinds of characters are
 allowed (e.g. letters and punctuation marks). Example: A byte whose decimal
 value is 65 is displayed as 41 in hexadecimal notation (4?6+1=65) and as the 
letter A in text mode. The ASCII character set defines the capital letter A to have 
the decimal value of 65.

When editing files of a certain type (for instance executable files), it is essential 
not to change the file size. Moving the addresses of executable code and included
 data results in severely damaging such files. Please note that changing the 
contents of a file generally may be the reason for the corresponding application
 to behave anomalously. It is quite safe to edit text passages in a file. At any rate,
 it is recommendable to create backup files before editing.

The command "Combined Search" was especially designed for editing files 
created by computer games to save the game state. If you know the value of a 
variable in two of such files, you can find out the offset, i. e. the position, at 
which this data is saved. Example: If two files hold the information that you have 
5 resp. 7 points/lives/..., search simultaneously for the hex value 05 in the first
 and 07 in the second file.
