
Redasoft Visual Cloning 2000 v2000s 英文光碟正式版

軟體名稱:Redasoft Visual Cloning 2000 v2000s 英文光碟正式版
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003

破解說明:序號和破解檔....在光碟機 \crack\


Redasoft Visual Cloning 2000 v2000s 英文正式版  << Redasoft 公司•專業質粒繪圖軟體最新版 >>


    軟體原售價:台幣 25000 元


  :  :   Redasoft Visual Cloning 2000 will give you all the tools you   :  :
  :  :   need to move to the next level of efficiency and               :  :
  :  :   productivity in your research, from designing experiments to   :  :
  :  :   publishing results. Powerful new features in Visual Cloning    :  :
  :  :   include: EXCEPTIONAL GRAPHICS Visual Cloning 2000 has the      :  :
  :  :   most sophisticated graphics capabilities of any vector map     :  :
  :  :   drawing software available. It's the only program that has     :  :
  :  :   true WYSIWYG editing and allows multiple maps per page with    :  :
  :  :   advanced layout and customization features. EXTENSIVE WEB      :  :
  :  :   INTEGRATION Redasoft introduced web integration to the         :  :
  :  :   industry with Plasmid and continues to lead the way. Visual    :  :
  :  :   Cloning 2000 lets you instantly create fully labeled           :  :
  :  :   graphical maps from sequences on the Internet. It is also      :  :
  :  :   the first program to integrate online ordering of              :  :
  :  :   restriction enzymes and custom-designed primers. ADVANCED      :  :
  :  :   RESTRICTION ANALYSIS Visual Cloning 2000 will scan your        :  :
  :  :   sequence for restriction sites using an updateable database    :  :
  :  :   of over 1000 enzymes (provided by REBASE), more than any       :  :
  :  :   other sequence analysis program. Filter results without        :  :
  :  :   having to rescan, create custom enzyme sets, and instantly     :  :
  :  :   add sites to any map on the page. Click on any enzyme and      :  :
  :  :   order it online from within the program. OPEN READING FRAMES   :  :
  :  :   SEARCH This new, highly requested feature identifies Open      :  :
  :  :   Reading Frames of a selectable minimum size in your            :  :
  :  :   sequence. Search options include alternate stop codons and     :  :
  :  :   alternate genetic codes. Selected ORFs can then be             :  :
  :  :   graphically displayed on the map. You can even analyze ORF     :  :
  :  :   sequences online using Redasoft's new ResearchNet portal.      :  :
  :  :   PRIMER DESIGN Searching for the ultimate custom primers? Let   :  :
  :  :   Visual Cloning 2000 find them for you, using sophisticated     :  :
  :  :   algorithms to choose and rank top candidates for your PCR or   :  :
  :  :   hybridization experiments, based on your selection criteria.   :  :
  :  :   View the results graphically and order primers online from     :  :
  :  :   within the program. SEQUENCE VIEWER For those who want to      :  :
  :  :   focus in on raw sequence, Visual Cloning 2000 includes a       :  :
  :  :   sequence viewer that can show a map's sequence alongside its   :  :
  :  :   graphical representation. This is another new feature added    :  :
  :  :   by popular demand. SUBSEQUENCE SEARCH Visual Cloning 2000      :  :
  :  :   will find subsequences with lightning speed and label them     :  :
  :  :   graphically. Search for conserved motifs or any subsequences   :  :
  :  :   of interest. INTUITIVE USER INTERFACE The name says it all.    :  :
  :  :   Visual Cloning 2000 provides a clean and organized interface   :  :
  :  :   that's very easy to use. With Visual Cloning 2000, you won't   :  :
  :  :   need to use many separate programs, since all of the           :  :
  :  :   sequence analysis tools are integrated into one powerful       :  :
  :  :   application.                                                   :  :
