
Sygate Home Network V4.1 Build 742英文光碟正式版

軟體名稱:Sygate Home Network V4.1 Build 742英文光碟正式版
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003

破解說明:安裝序號: 44102930-03622C77         Registration Code: BB0D8F58


Check Point 2000 Enterprise Suite 英文"旗艦"光碟正式版

   SYGATE 公司: 網路分享/一個帳號多台電腦共享上網的超強網路工具!

    台電腦對接上網 ,此時不需要hub喔!

    Windows 98 Second Edition 或是Windows Me 甚至是Windows Xp都無法相抗衡的,
    XYZ STUDIO 強力推薦的好軟體

    Do you need a simple, cost-effective way to share your Internet connection
    with every computer in your home? Are you concerned with the dangers to
    you and your family that lurk out there in cyberspace? Are you looking for
    ways to maximize not only utility, but also your enjoyment of the Internet
    for such things as online gaming, chat and free phone calls for your
    entire family?

    Look no further. Sygate Home Network gives you the ultimate Internet
    experience by extending simultaneous access to every computer in your
    home, or office. That's right! No one in your home, or company will ever
    be forced to wait on an Internet connection again! With Sygate Home
    Network, you'll be the hero providing endless computing and communication
    possibilities to your entire home/business network while protecting users
    from the perils of cyberspace.

    Sygate Home Network is the easiest and most cost-effective way to energize
    your Internet experience. Designed with ease-of-use in mind, Sygate Home
    Network's user-friendly graphical user interface provides seamless
    installation and set-up. Unlike proxy-based Internet Connection Sharing
    solutions, which require individual set-up of every machine on your
    network (including the laptop you bring home from work), Sygate Home
    Network is based on Network Address Translation (NAT) with a built-in
    DHCP server that automatically assigns all required parameters to each
    computer enabling simultaneous Internet connectivity to every PC on your
    network. Unlike hardware-based solutions, which are expensive and difficult
    to configure, Sygate Home Network allows every computer in your home
    network simultaneous shared access to whatever type of Internet connection
    you have.
